Root Canals

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Root Canals

Root Canals

A root canal is a valuable dental procedure used to treat and preserve teeth with infected roots. The pulp is the live portion of the tooth that extends into the root and contains nerve endings and tissues. When it becomes infected, patients can experience pain, swelling, and even total tooth loss unless treated. Root canals remove the damaged parts of the tooth and infected root. We prescribe an antibiotic can in some cases. This helps to prevent further infection within the tooth. We can restore the organic part of the tooth that remains using a cap or crown. This still provides a natural appearance and normal tooth function.

 Many patients associate root canals with pain and discomfort.

Local anesthetics and advancements in modern dentistry have made root canals highly tolerable procedures. They are often no less comfortable than getting a standard filling. Upon completion, a restored tooth that has undergone a root canal will blend in with surrounding teeth – virtually undetectable to the average eye. More than 9 out of 10 root canal procedures are successful. Most treatments last many years or even a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for a root canal?

You could be a candidate for a root canal if decay or damage has allowed bacteria to infect the pulp inside your tooth. A root canal could also be the right treatment for you if you prefer to preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible instead of extracting both the healthy and diseased portions of your tooth. For more information about root canals and whether they are right for you, schedule a dental exam and consultation at your earliest convenience.

What should I expect during my root canal treatment?

If you decide to undergo a root canal, the first step in your procedure will involve a local anesthetic. Once your tooth root is numb, we remove the diseased part of your tooth pulp and treat it for infection. The tooth is then sealed and filled and finally restored with a crown.

After a root canal, what is the required type of post-treatment care?

It is normal for teeth to become inflamed after a root canal. This could potentially cause sensitivity for the first several days following treatment. However, normal brushing and flossing habits can be resumed immediately after your treatment and restoration are complete.